10-MAY-78 22:11:23-PDT,4255;000000000001 Mail from BBN-TENEXA rcvd at 6-NOV-75 1318-PST Date: 6 NOV 1975 1613-EST Sender: MOOERS at BBN-TENEXA Subject: MSGGROUP# 201 6. HOW SHOULD WE DEFINE "RECENT" AND "SEEN" MESSAGES? From: MOOERS at BBN-TENEXA To: [ISI]Mailing.List: Cc: REVIEWGROUP.ADDRESSLIST: Message-ID: <[BBN-TENEXA]6-NOV-75 16:13:01-EST.MOOERS> MAILSYS now has a message-field "Status", which is automatically created for each incoming message in the User's INBOX. Status is the first item in the BASIC-SURVEY template. In User- defined templates created with the Template Editor, the Status field may be included at any position. The format of Status adheres to the convention established by MSG: where is a single character which may be either a minus sign "-" = UNSEEN or a space " " = SEEN and is a single character which may be either a plus sign "+" = RECENT or a space " " = OLD We would like to get input from the MsgGroup on the best definitions of UNSEEN and RECENT. THE DEFINITION OF SEEN AND UNSEEN When should MAILSYS mark as message as SEEN? 1. Should MAILSYS pay attention to what commands are used to process messages? If so, then the SURVEY command should NOT mark the message as SEEN, and the TRANSCRIBE, PRINT and LIST commands SHOULD mark the message as SEEN. What about the FILE command? In the old MAILSYS the WRITE command does NOT mark the message as SEEN. Do we follow this convention? 2. A better approach may be to have the TEMPLATE, not the command be the determining factor. We can make a rule that any template whatever, whether System-defined or User-defined, should mark the message SEEN if, and only if, the template contains the TEXT field. Then the FILE command always marks the message as SEEN. However, the SURVEY command marks a message as SEEN if the User sets the SURVEY template to some template that contains a TEXT field. 3. If you try to define some combination of command and template that determines which messages are marked seen, you quickly get into a complicated tangle: VER- BASIC- User- BATIM ALL SURVEY Defined ----------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIBE |CURRENT-TEMPLATE SEEN SEEN ? SEEN or PRINT |----------------------------------------------------- or LIST |SURVEY-TEMPLATE SEEN SEEN UNSEEN? UNSEEN? ----------------------------------------------------------------- SURVEY |SURVEY-TEMPLATE ? ? UNSEEN UNSEEN? ----------------------------------------------------------------- FILE |Transcribes everything ? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Perhaps we should build into the TEMPLATE Editor, the choice of whether the template marks the message SEEN. >TEMPLATE JOE (CR) [User creates the template in the subcommand mode, then...] >>Name template: JOE (ESC) (marks message) SEEN [or UNSEEN] 5. At present, if a TRANSCRIBE operation marks a message SEEN, it is SEEN forever more. Is this reasonable? What about the secretary who CONNECTS (through the EXEC) to a User's INBOX, LISTS the RECENT messages, and then leaves the printout on the User's desk each morning? When the User enters the Inbox, later on, should those messages be marked SEEN? THE DEFINITION OF RECENT We now plan to include a separate MAILSYS User's profile which contains a record of when that particular User last entered any INBOX (or MESSAGE FILE). MESSAGE. ALPHA. BETA. TXT TXT TXT MAILER delivers a RECENT --- --- message. User then UNSEEN --- --- enters Message.TXT User FILES message RECENT RECENT --- in ALPHA.TXT, without UNSEEN UNSEEN --- other action, and leaves the INBOX. User re-enters OLD RECENT --- MESSAGE.TXT UNSEEN UNSEEN --- User TRANSCRIBES OLD RECENT --- the message to TTY: SEEN UNSEEN --- User FILES the same OLD RECENT RECENT message in BETA.TXT SEEN UNSEEN SEEN User enters ALPHA.- OLD OLD RECENT TXT, leaves without SEEN UNSEEN SEEN processing the mes- sage, then re-enters. ------- 10-MAY-78 22:11:24-PDT,2561;000000000001 Mail from BBN-TENEXA rcvd at 6-NOV-75 1319-PST Date: 6 NOV 1975 1605-EST Sender: MOOERS at BBN-TENEXA Subject: MSGGROUP# 202 5. HOW MAILSYS "TEMPLATES" TRANSCRIBE MESSAGES From: MOOERS at BBN-TENEXA To: [ISI]Mailing.List: Cc: REVIEWGROUP.ADDRESSLIST: Message-ID: <[BBN-TENEXA]6-NOV-75 16:05:16-EST.MOOERS> HOW MAILSYS "TEMPLATES" TRANSCRIBE MESSAGES In MAILSYS, the general command for moving messages is TRANSCRIBE (which has the special cases: PRINT, LIST and SURVEY). The general form of TRANSCRIBE is: TRANSCRIBE